How to Check Monitor Model in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you wondering how to check your monitor model in Windows 11? Don’t worry, it’s a simple process that anyone can do. All you need is to follow a few easy steps, and you’ll have your monitor model information in no time. With this information, you can troubleshoot issues, update drivers, or even brag about your awesome display to your friends!

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Check Monitor Model in Windows 11

Before we dive into the steps, it’s worth mentioning why you would want to check your monitor model. Maybe you’re looking to update your drivers, or you’re curious if your monitor is compatible with certain software. Whatever the reason, the following steps will help you find out exactly what monitor you’re working with.

Step 1: Open the Settings Menu

Click on the Start menu and select the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

In Windows 11, the Settings menu is your go-to place for all system-related information and customization. It’s the central hub for tweaking your operating system to your liking.

Step 2: Navigate to System

In the Settings menu, click on ‘System’ to access display settings and more.

The System section of the Settings menu contains several important features, including display settings, sound, and notifications. It’s where you can customize how your system looks and behaves.

Step 3: Click on Display

Under System, select ‘Display’ to view information about your screen.

The Display section holds all the settings related to your monitor, such as resolution, orientation, and scaling options. It’s also where you’ll find information about your monitor model.

Step 4: Scroll Down to Advanced Display

Once in the Display settings, scroll down and click on ‘Advanced display.’

"Advanced display" sounds intimidating, but it’s just a section that offers more detailed settings for your monitor, like refresh rate and color calibration.

Step 5: Check Monitor Information

Under Advanced display, you’ll see information about your monitor, including the model number.

Finally, you’ve reached the treasure trove of information about your monitor. The model number is usually a combination of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies your monitor.

After completing these steps, you’ll have access to the model information of your monitor. With this information, you can search for specific drivers, look up the specs of your monitor, or even check if it’s still under warranty.

Tips: How to Check Monitor Model in Windows 11

  • Always make sure to keep your system updated to have the latest features and settings options.
  • If you have multiple monitors, you can find the model information for each one by selecting the corresponding display in the Display settings.
  • Knowing your monitor model can be helpful if you need to download specific drivers or software for optimal performance.
  • You can also find the serial number of your monitor in the Advanced display settings, which can be useful for warranty or support purposes.
  • If you’re unable to find your monitor model in the Settings menu, you might need to check the back of the monitor for a label with the model information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to know my monitor model?

Knowing your monitor model can help you with troubleshooting, finding the right drivers, or ensuring compatibility with software or games.

Can I find my monitor model without using the Settings menu?

Yes, you can also find the monitor model on the back of the monitor, usually on a label with the manufacturer’s information.

What if my monitor model isn’t displayed in the Settings menu?

If your monitor model isn’t displayed, it may be a generic monitor or the drivers might not be properly installed. You can try updating your drivers or checking the back of the monitor for the model number.

Is it necessary to check the monitor model for general use?

It’s not necessary for general use, but it can be helpful for specific tasks such as updating drivers or troubleshooting issues.

Can I find the resolution and refresh rate of my monitor in the Settings menu?

Yes, the resolution and refresh rate can also be found in the Display settings under the System section of the Settings menu.


  1. Open the Settings Menu
  2. Navigate to System
  3. Click on Display
  4. Scroll Down to Advanced Display
  5. Check Monitor Information


Checking your monitor model in Windows 11 is a breeze when you know where to look. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or just someone who wants to get the most out of their display, knowing your monitor model can open up a world of possibilities. From driver updates to screen optimizations, having this piece of information is key. Plus, let’s be honest, there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing the ins and outs of your tech gadgets, right?

Just remember, if you can’t find the information you need in the Settings menu, don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with the back of your monitor. Manufacturers usually include a label with all the juicy details you need. And, if you ever find yourself stuck, there’s a wealth of information and support available online. So go ahead, check your monitor model, and get ready to unlock the full potential of your Windows 11 experience!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.