How to Make Cells Same Size in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever looked at an Excel spreadsheet and thought, "Why are these cells all different sizes?" It can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to make your data look neat and organized. Don’t worry, though. Making cells the same size in Excel is easier than you think. Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll have uniform cells in no time!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Make Cells Same Size in Excel

Before we dive into the steps, let’s quickly talk about what we’re trying to achieve. Excel cells can vary in width and height, which can make your spreadsheet look messy or unprofessional. By making cells the same size, you’re ensuring that each cell has the exact same dimensions, giving your spreadsheet a clean, uniform look.

Step 1: Select the Cells You Want to Resize

Click and drag to highlight the cells you want to change.

When you select multiple cells in Excel, you’re telling the program that you want to make changes to all of them at once. Make sure you’ve selected all the cells you want to resize before moving on to the next step.

Step 2: Access the Row or Column Resize Option

Right-click the selected cells and choose "Row Height" or "Column Width" from the menu.

Right-clicking gives you a shortcut to various cell options. In this case, you’re looking for the "Row Height" or "Column Width" option. If you want to change the height of the cells, choose "Row Height." If you want to change the width, choose "Column Width."

Step 3: Enter the Desired Size

Type in the number for the size you want and click "OK."

This is where you decide how big you want your cells to be. You can enter any number here, but remember that it’s measured in pixels, so you might need to test out a few different sizes to see what looks best.

Step 4: Use the Format Cells Feature (Alternative Method)

Alternatively, you can use the "Format Cells" feature under the Home tab for more precise adjustments.

If you’re not happy with the sizing after using the row height and column width options, or you need more control over the size, you can use the "Format Cells" feature. This option gives you more detailed control over the cell dimensions, including the ability to set a specific size for both width and height at the same time.

Once you’ve completed these steps, all of your selected cells will be the exact same size. This will not only make your spreadsheet look better, but it will also make it easier to read and work with.

Tips on How to Make Cells Same Size in Excel

  • Always make sure you’ve selected all the cells you want to resize before making any changes.
  • Use the "Undo" feature (Ctrl + Z) if you make a mistake or don’t like how the new size looks.
  • Familiarize yourself with Excel’s measurement units. Excel typically uses pixels, but you can also set cell size in inches, centimeters, or millimeters.
  • If you want all cells in the spreadsheet to be the same size, click the corner button above row numbers and to the left of column letters to select the entire sheet before resizing.
  • Remember that resizing cells may affect the visibility of the content inside them. You may need to adjust the font size or text alignment accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I resize cells to fit the content?

Double-click the boundary between the row numbers or column letters, and Excel will automatically resize the cells to fit the content.

Can I make cells the same size without using the mouse?

Yes, you can use the keyboard shortcuts "Alt + H" to access the Home tab, and then "O" followed by "R" for Row Height or "C" for Column Width.

Is there a way to make all rows and columns the same size at once?

Yes, click the corner button to select the entire sheet, then right-click and choose "Row Height" or "Column Width" to set a uniform size for all cells.

Will resizing cells affect my data?

No, resizing cells will not change your data, but it might make some data less visible if the cells become too small.

Can I save a cell size as a default for future spreadsheets?

No, Excel does not allow you to set a default cell size, but you can create a template with your preferred cell size and use that for future spreadsheets.


  1. Select the cells you want to resize.
  2. Right-click and choose "Row Height" or "Column Width."
  3. Enter the desired size and click "OK."
  4. Use "Format Cells" for more precise adjustments.


There you have it, a simple and straightforward guide on how to make cells the same size in Excel. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to data presentation, and uniform cell sizes can make a significant difference in how your spreadsheet is perceived. Whether you’re creating a report for work, organizing data for a project, or just trying to tidy up a messy sheet, knowing how to resize cells is a valuable skill for any Excel user. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different sizes to find what works best for your needs. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro at making your spreadsheets look polished and professional. Happy formatting!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.