How to Calculate Mean Absolute Deviation in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Calculating mean absolute deviation in Excel is a measure of variability that shows the average distance of each data point from the mean. It’s a useful tool for analyzing data sets to understand how spread out the values are. To calculate it in Excel, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. First, you’ll calculate the mean of your data set, then find the absolute difference of each data point from the mean, and finally, calculate the average of those absolute differences. It sounds more complicated than it is, trust me!

Step by Step Tutorial: Calculating Mean Absolute Deviation in Excel

Before diving into the steps, it’s essential to understand that calculating the mean absolute deviation (MAD) in Excel involves a series of formulas that work together. The following steps will guide you through the process, ensuring you can calculate the MAD for any data set you’re working with.

Step 1: Enter your data set

First things first, you have to input your data into Excel. Make sure to input it in a single column or row for ease of calculation.

When entering your data, it’s crucial to avoid any blank cells, as this can skew your calculations. Ensure that all your data points are in consecutive cells to keep things neat and organized.

Step 2: Calculate the mean of your data set

To get the mean, use the AVERAGE function. For example, if your data is in cells A1 to A10, you would enter =AVERAGE(A1:A10).

The mean is the central value of your data set, and it’s necessary to calculate it first because the MAD is based on the mean. After finding the mean, you should note it down or keep the cell with the mean value visible as you’ll need it for the next steps.

Step 3: Find the absolute difference from the mean for each data point

For each data point, subtract the mean and then use the ABS function to get the absolute value of the difference. For instance, if your mean is in B1 and your data point is in A1, you would enter =ABS(A1-B1).

The absolute difference is the core of the MAD calculation, as it shows how far each data point is from the mean without considering the direction (above or below).

Step 4: Calculate the mean of the absolute differences

Now, use the AVERAGE function again on the column or row with the absolute differences. This will give you the mean absolute deviation.

This step finalizes the process by averaging out all the absolute differences, providing you with the MAD. Make sure you select only the cells with the absolute differences for this calculation to get an accurate result.

After completing these steps, you’ll have the mean absolute deviation for your data set. This value can help you understand the variability and consistency of your data points.

Tips for Calculating Mean Absolute Deviation in Excel

  • Always double-check your formulas for accuracy.
  • Make sure there are no empty cells in your data range.
  • Consider using cell references for the mean in your absolute difference formulas to streamline the process.
  • Keep in mind that extreme values in your data set can affect the MAD.
  • Remember that the MAD is different from the standard deviation, another measure of variability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between mean absolute deviation and standard deviation?

The mean absolute deviation calculates the average distance from the mean using absolute values, while the standard deviation squares the differences, averages them, and then takes the square root.

Can I use the mean absolute deviation for any size data set?

Yes, the mean absolute deviation can be calculated for data sets of any size, but it’s most useful for smaller sets where the standard deviation might not give a clear picture of variability.

Does the order of my data matter when calculating mean absolute deviation?

No, the order of the data points does not affect the calculation of MAD since it’s based on the distance from the mean, not the sequence of the data.

Can I calculate mean absolute deviation if my data set contains negative numbers?

Yes, you can calculate MAD with negative numbers. The ABS function in Excel ensures all differences from the mean are treated as positive values.

Is mean absolute deviation sensitive to outliers?

MAD is less sensitive to outliers than standard deviation because it doesn’t square the differences from the mean.


  1. Enter your data set into Excel
  2. Calculate the mean using the AVERAGE function
  3. Find the absolute difference from the mean for each data point using the ABS function
  4. Calculate the mean of these absolute differences to get the mean absolute deviation


Calculating mean absolute deviation in Excel is a straightforward process that can significantly help in statistical analysis. It’s an excellent measure for understanding the variability and consistency of a data set. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now be able to calculate the MAD with ease and precision. Remember, the mean absolute deviation provides a different perspective than standard deviation, and in some cases, it can be more representative of the data set’s spread. Don’t hesitate to apply this method to your data and gain deeper insights into its characteristics. Happy analyzing!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.