How to Find Relative Frequency in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Relative frequency in Excel is a breeze once you know the steps. Essentially, it’s all about dividing the frequency of a specific event by the total number of events. The result is a percentage that tells you how often that event occurs in relation to the whole dataset. Ready to find out how to do this in Excel? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Find Relative Frequency in Excel

Before we start, know that we’re going to create a frequency distribution table and then calculate the relative frequency. This is a great way to analyze data and see patterns.

Step 1: Enter your data

Input your data into Excel in a single column. Make sure each entry is in its own cell.

Entering your data correctly is crucial for accurate results. If you’re dealing with a lot of data, it’s best to ensure that it’s sorted for better organization.

Step 2: Create a frequency distribution

Use Excel’s "COUNTIF" function to create a frequency distribution next to your data.

The "COUNTIF" function counts the number of times a specific value appears in a range. It’s perfect for creating a frequency distribution table because it automates the counting process.

Step 3: Calculate the total frequency

Sum up the values of the frequency distribution to get the total frequency.

Knowing the total frequency is important because the relative frequency is calculated by dividing the frequency of each event by this total number.

Step 4: Calculate the relative frequency

Divide the frequency of each event by the total frequency to get the relative frequency.

After dividing the frequency of each event by the total frequency, you’ll get a decimal number. To convert this into a percentage, simply format the cell to display percentages in Excel.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a clear picture of the relative frequency for each event in your dataset. This is helpful in a variety of analyses, including probability and statistical analysis.

Tips for Finding Relative Frequency in Excel

  • Make sure your data is clean and free of errors before you start.
  • Use the "Sort" feature in Excel to organize your data, which can make creating a frequency distribution easier.
  • Familiarize yourself with the "COUNTIF" function, as it’s the key to creating a frequency distribution.
  • To format numbers as percentages in Excel, right-click the cell, select ‘Format Cells’, then ‘Percentage’.
  • Remember that relative frequency adds up to 1 (or 100%) when summed up across all events.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is relative frequency?

Relative frequency is a measure of how often an event occurs compared to the total number of events.

Can relative frequency be more than 1?

No, relative frequency cannot be more than 1 because it’s a proportion of the total frequency.

Do I need to sort my data before finding relative frequency?

While it’s not necessary, sorting your data can help you organize it better and spot errors before you start your calculations.

How do I format cells in Excel to show percentages?

Right-click the cell, select ‘Format Cells’, then select the ‘Percentage’ option.

Can I use a pivot table to find relative frequency in Excel?

Yes, pivot tables can be used to create frequency distributions, and from there, you can calculate relative frequency.


  1. Enter your data into Excel.
  2. Create a frequency distribution using the "COUNTIF" function.
  3. Calculate the total frequency by summing the values of the frequency distribution.
  4. Divide the frequency of each event by the total frequency to find the relative frequency.


Now that you’ve reached the end of this guide, you’re well-equipped to find relative frequency in Excel like a pro. Remember, the key to success lies in clean data and a good grasp of Excel functions like "COUNTIF." With just a few clicks and some simple math, you’ll unveil the hidden patterns in your data, making your analyses more insightful and your decisions more data-driven. Remember, relative frequency is all about understanding the bigger picture by looking at the smaller details. So, go ahead and dive into your data – the relative frequencies are waiting to be discovered!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.