How to Calculate Weeks in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Calculating weeks in Excel is a handy skill to have, especially when dealing with project timelines, schedules, or any date-related data. It’s a straightforward process that involves using Excel’s built-in date and time functions. In just a few clicks, you can determine the number of weeks between two dates, or find out what week number a specific date falls into. Ready to become a time-tracking wizard in Excel? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial: Calculating Weeks in Excel

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand what we’re aiming to achieve. Excel has several functions that can help you calculate weeks. Whether you want to find out the number of weeks between two dates or the week number of a particular date, these steps will guide you through.

Step 1: Enter Your Dates

Start by entering the dates you want to calculate the weeks between in two separate cells.

When entering dates in Excel, make sure you use a format that Excel recognizes as a date, such as MM/DD/YYYY. This ensures that Excel can perform calculations correctly.

Step 2: Use the DATEDIF Function

In a new cell, type the formula =DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, "d")/7 to get the number of weeks between the two dates.

The DATEDIF function calculates the difference between two dates. The "d" indicates that the difference should be calculated in days. By dividing the result by 7, you convert the number of days to weeks.

Step 3: Use the WEEKNUM Function

To find out the week number of a specific date, type the formula =WEEKNUM(date, [return_type]) in a new cell.

The WEEKNUM function returns the week number of a specific date. The [return_type] argument is optional and determines which day should be considered the first day of the week.

Step 4: Format the Result as a Number

After entering the formula, ensure the cell is formatted to display numbers to see the calculated weeks as a whole number.

If the result shows as a date or in a different format, right-click the cell, select ‘Format Cells,’ choose ‘Number,’ and then select ‘General’ or ‘Number’ to display it correctly.

After completing the steps above, you’ll have the number of weeks calculated between two dates, or the week number for a specific date displayed in Excel. This can be incredibly useful for tracking project timelines, calculating age in weeks, or planning schedules.

Tips for Calculating Weeks in Excel

  • Always ensure that the dates are entered in a format recognized by Excel to avoid errors.
  • If you need to calculate the weeks for multiple date ranges, use the fill handle to drag the formula down to other cells.
  • The WEEKNUM function’s [return_type] argument can be set to 1 for the week beginning on Sunday or 2 for the week starting on Monday.
  • When dividing by 7 in the DATEDIF formula, you can round the result using the ROUND function to avoid decimals if you need a whole number.
  • Excel might display the result as a date when using the DATEDIF function. Remember to format the cell to show the result as a number.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if Excel shows a date instead of the number of weeks?

Ensure the cell is formatted correctly as a number, not a date. Right-click the cell, select ‘Format Cells,’ choose ‘Number,’ and select ‘General’ or ‘Number.’

Can I calculate the weeks between two dates excluding weekends?

Yes, you can use the NETWORKDAYS function to calculate the number of workdays between two dates and then divide by 5.

How do I use the WEEKNUM function to get the ISO week number?

Use the formula =WEEKNUM(date, 21) to get the ISO week number, which adheres to the ISO standard where the week starts on Monday.

What do I do if I get an error when calculating weeks?

Double-check the date formats and ensure that the start_date is before the end_date in the DATEDIF function.

Can I calculate the age in weeks using Excel?

Yes, use the DATEDIF function with the "d" parameter divided by 7, with the birthdate as the start_date and the current date as the end_date.


  1. Enter your start and end dates in separate cells.
  2. Use the DATEDIF function to calculate the difference in days and divide by 7.
  3. Use the WEEKNUM function to find out the week number of a specific date.
  4. Format the result cell as a number to display the weeks properly.


Excel is a powerful tool that can simplify many tasks, including calculating weeks between dates or finding out the week number for a specific date. By mastering the use of functions like DATEDIF and WEEKNUM, you can handle time-related data with ease. Just remember to enter your dates correctly and format your cells to display the results as numbers. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to manipulate date and time data in Excel like a pro. So go ahead, give it a try, and watch how quickly you can calculate weeks in Excel.

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.