How to Check Mouse Dpi in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Checking your mouse DPI (dots per inch) in Windows 11 is easier than you might think. DPI refers to the sensitivity of your mouse, and tweaking it can enhance your computing experience, whether you’re gaming or just browsing the web. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of checking your mouse DPI in Windows 11. By the end of this, you’ll be a DPI-checking pro!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Check Mouse DPI in Windows 11

Before we dive into the steps, let me first explain what we’re about to do. We’re going to access the settings that control your mouse’s sensitivity and see if we can find the DPI value there. Please note that not all mice display their DPI settings in Windows. Some might require you to use their specific software to check this.

Step 1: Open Mouse Settings

Open the settings menu by clicking on the Start menu and selecting ‘Settings’.

In this first step, we’re simply accessing the area of Windows where all the mouse-related settings are located. Think of it as the control room for your mouse.

Step 2: Navigate to Mouse Properties

Click on ‘Bluetooth & devices’ on the left sidebar, then scroll down and select ‘Mouse’.

Here, you will find various options to customize your mouse’s behavior. But we’re looking for something specific – the DPI.

Step 3: Check the Additional Mouse Settings

Click on ‘Additional mouse options’ to open the Mouse Properties window.

This might feel a bit like going down a rabbit hole, but we’re almost there! This is where you can adjust the finer details of your mouse’s functionality.

Step 4: Look for DPI Information

In the Mouse Properties window, check if there is a tab that mentions DPI or Pointer Options.

Now, not all mice will show their DPI settings here. It varies depending on the manufacturer and model of your mouse.

After completing these steps, you’ll either know your mouse’s DPI or realize that you need to check the manufacturer’s software or manual to find out.

Tips for How to Check Mouse DPI in Windows 11

  • If you can’t find the DPI settings in the Mouse Properties, it might be listed under a different name like ‘Pointer Options’ or ‘Sensitivity’.
  • For gaming mice, the DPI settings are often adjustable via buttons on the mouse itself or through proprietary software provided by the manufacturer.
  • The standard DPI for regular mice is usually between 800 to 1600. Gaming mice, on the other hand, can go much higher.
  • Higher DPI isn’t always better. It’s all about finding the right sensitivity for your personal comfort and the tasks you’re performing.
  • Remember that changing the DPI will affect how quickly your cursor moves across the screen, so adjust it gradually to find your sweet spot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DPI?

DPI stands for dots per inch, and it measures how sensitive a mouse is. The higher the DPI, the further the cursor on your screen will move when you move the mouse.

Can I change my mouse DPI in Windows 11?

Yes, you can change it by accessing the Mouse Properties. However, some mice may require you to use their specific software to adjust the DPI.

What is a good DPI for gaming?

This largely depends on personal preference and the type of game. However, many gamers prefer a higher DPI (4000+), which allows for quicker movements.

Why can’t I find the DPI settings in Mouse Properties?

Not all mice will display their DPI settings in Windows. For those mice, you will need to check the manual or use the manufacturer’s software.

How do I know if my mouse DPI is set correctly?

The right DPI setting is subjective. It should feel comfortable for your use, whether that’s gaming or everyday tasks. If your cursor moves too fast or too slow for your liking, you might want to adjust your DPI.


  1. Open Mouse Settings from the Start menu.
  2. Navigate to Mouse Properties by clicking on ‘Bluetooth & devices’ then ‘Mouse’.
  3. Click on ‘Additional mouse options’.
  4. Look for DPI Information in the Mouse Properties window.


Understanding how to check your mouse DPI in Windows 11 can significantly improve your user experience. Whether you’re gaming, designing, or just browsing, the right DPI setting will ensure that your mouse movements are smooth and precise. Remember that while some mice allow you to view and change the DPI settings directly from Windows, others may require specific software from the manufacturer. If you’re ever in doubt, consult the user manual or get in touch with the manufacturer’s customer service.

Finding your ideal DPI is a personal journey—one that will lead to a more comfortable and efficient computing experience. So, take the time to explore your settings. Who knows, a small tweak could be the key to unlocking your full potential at work or in your gaming sessions. Remember to keep our tips in mind and refer back to our FAQ section if you ever find yourself in a bind. Happy clicking!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.