How to Show Battery Percentage on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Keeping track of your battery percentage is essential, especially when you’re on the go and need to manage your device’s power. On Windows 11, viewing your battery percentage can be done in just a few simple steps, and I’m here to break it down for you.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Show Battery Percentage on Windows 11

Before we jump into the steps, it’s worth noting that showing your battery percentage on Windows 11 will help you better manage your laptop’s power and avoid sudden shutdowns due to a dead battery. Now, let’s get started.

Step 1: Open Settings

Click on the Start menu and select Settings.

Once you’re in the Settings menu, you’ll see various options to personalize your Windows 11 experience. But we’re here for the battery percentage, so let’s move on to the next step.

Step 2: Go to System

In the Settings menu, click on the System category.

The System category houses many of your computer’s essential settings, including display, sound, and, crucially for us, power.

Step 3: Select Power & Battery

Within the System category, click on Power & Battery to access your battery settings.

The Power & Battery settings will show you everything related to your device’s battery life and power consumption. Here’s where the magic happens.

Step 4: View Battery Percentage

Your battery percentage will be displayed under the Battery section.

There you have it! Now you can easily keep an eye on your battery’s juice levels and charge up when necessary.

After completing these steps, you’ll now have a clear view of your battery percentage on your taskbar, which should help you plan your device usage better and avoid any untimely power-offs.

Tips for Showing Battery Percentage on Windows 11

  • Ensure your device drivers are up to date to avoid any display issues with the battery percentage.
  • Consider customizing your power plan to improve battery life.
  • If your battery percentage isn’t displaying correctly, try restarting your device.
  • Keep an eye on your battery health to maintain proper functionality.
  • Use battery saver mode to extend your battery life when you’re running low on power.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I check my battery percentage?

It’s a good idea to check your battery percentage periodically, especially if you’re working on important tasks or traveling.

Can I display the battery percentage on the lock screen?

No, the battery percentage is only displayed on the taskbar when you’re logged into Windows 11.

Will showing the battery percentage drain my battery faster?

No, displaying the battery percentage does not consume any significant amount of power.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to view the battery percentage?

There isn’t a direct keyboard shortcut, but you can click on the battery icon in the taskbar to view the percentage quickly.

Can I customize the battery icon?

Windows 11 doesn’t offer customization for the battery icon itself, but there are third-party applications that may allow for this.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to System
  3. Select Power & Battery
  4. View Battery Percentage


Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how to show your battery percentage on Windows 11, you can stay ahead of the game. Managing your device’s power is a fundamental part of digital productivity, and with this quick guide, you can ensure you’re never caught off guard by a dying battery. Remember, keeping an eye on your battery percentage is just one part of maintaining your device’s health, so don’t forget to look after your battery’s overall well-being with regular check-ups and good charging habits. Whether you’re a power user or just need your laptop to last through a day of classes or meetings, knowing how to show battery percentage on Windows 11 is a small but mighty tool in your tech-savvy arsenal.

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.