Inserting Dots Between Words in Microsoft Word for Unique Style

Have you ever wanted to add some flair to your Microsoft Word document by inserting dots between words? It’s a cool stylistic effect that can make your text pop! In just a few clicks, you can transform ordinary text into something that stands out. Don’t worry; it’s easier than you might think!

Step by Step Tutorial: Inserting Dots Between Words in Microsoft Word

Before we dive into the steps, let’s talk about what we’re trying to achieve. Inserting dots between words can give your document a modern and stylish look. It’s perfect for headings, titles, or even to emphasize certain parts of your text. Now, let’s get to it!

Step 1: Select the Text

Highlight the words you want to add dots to.

Once you’ve decided which words need the dotted effect, use your mouse to click and drag over the text, highlighting it in blue. This tells Word which part of your document you want to modify.

Step 2: Open the Font Dialog Box

Press Ctrl + D on your keyboard or go to the ‘Font’ section in the toolbar and click on the small arrow in the bottom-right corner.

This will open a new window with all sorts of font options. Here, you can change the font type, size, and even the color. But we’re here for the dots!

Step 3: Add the Dots

In the ‘Advanced’ tab of the Font dialog box, look for the ‘Character Spacing’ section. There, change the ‘Spacing’ to ‘Expanded’ and type in the number of points you want between each word in the ‘By’ box.

Experiment with different point sizes until you find the look you’re going for. Keep in mind that too many points might make the text hard to read, while too few might not give you the effect you want.

After completing these steps, your selected text will now have dots between each word, giving it that stylish touch you were looking for.

Tips: Optimizing Your Dot Insertion in Microsoft Word

  • Start with a smaller point size and gradually increase it to find the perfect spacing.
  • Use this effect sparingly to avoid overwhelming your readers.
  • Remember to consider readability—make sure the text is still easy to read.
  • This effect works best with shorter sections of text, like titles or headings.
  • Save your document before making changes, so you can always revert back if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I remove the dots if I change my mind?

Simply select the text again, open the Font dialog box, and under ‘Character Spacing,’ change the Spacing back to ‘Normal.’

Will the dots appear when I print my document?

Yes, any formatting changes you make in Word will be reflected in the printed document.

Can I use this effect in other word processors?

The steps may vary, but many word processors have similar options for character spacing that allow you to achieve this effect.

Can I add dots between letters instead of words?

Absolutely! Just follow the same steps but apply the spacing to individual letters instead of words.

Is there a shortcut to add dots between words?

There isn’t a direct shortcut, but you can save your settings as a ‘Style’ to easily apply the same effect to other parts of your document.


  1. Select the text.
  2. Open the Font dialog box.
  3. Add the dots by expanding the character spacing.


Inserting dots between words in Microsoft Word is a simple yet effective way to add some personality to your documents. Whether you’re creating a flyer, a presentation, or just want to emphasize certain parts of your text, this stylistic effect can really make your work stand out. It’s all about finding the right balance between style and readability, and with the tips provided, you’re well on your way to mastering this technique. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different point sizes and see what works best for your document. But above all, have fun with it! After all, who said Word documents had to be boring? Give it a try and watch your text transform from plain to eye-catching in just a few clicks!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.