Integrating UK Holidays into Your Outlook Calendar: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrating UK holidays into your Outlook Calendar is a simple process. By following a few easy steps, you can have all the important dates automatically marked, ensuring you never miss an important holiday again. It’s a handy way to stay organized and informed about the UK’s national days off.

Step by Step Tutorial: Integrating UK Holidays into Your Outlook Calendar

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what we’re doing here. By adding UK holidays to your Outlook Calendar, you’re essentially importing a list of dates that are recognized as public holidays in the United Kingdom. This can be particularly useful for planning meetings, managing deadlines, and scheduling events.

Step 1: Open Outlook Calendar

Open your Outlook calendar on your computer.

Step 2: Go to Calendar Options

Click on ‘File’, then ‘Options’, and finally, select ‘Calendar’.

Step 3: Select ‘Add Holidays’

Within the Calendar options, find and click on the button that says ‘Add Holidays’.

Step 4: Choose ‘United Kingdom’

From the list of countries, tick the checkbox next to ‘United Kingdom’ then click ‘OK’.

Step 5: Confirm the Import

Outlook will confirm how many holidays will be added. Click ‘OK’ to finalize the import.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your Outlook Calendar will now display all of the UK’s public holidays. This can be incredibly useful for anyone working with UK-based clients, companies, or colleagues, as it takes into account the different days off that may not be recognized in other countries.

Tips: Maximizing the Use of UK Holidays in Your Outlook Calendar

  • Keep your Outlook Calendar updated regularly to ensure you have the latest holiday information.
  • Customize your calendar by adding or removing holidays that may not be relevant to you.
  • Use the holiday information to plan ahead for any UK-related work or travel plans.
  • If you’re working in a multinational company, sharing the holiday calendar with your team can be helpful.
  • Check for regional holidays within the UK that might not be included and add them manually if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I need to update the UK holidays in my Outlook Calendar?

The public holidays are typically updated annually, so it’s a good idea to check for updates at the start of each year.

Can I remove a holiday from my calendar once it’s been added?

Yes, you can manually delete any holiday from your calendar by clicking on the holiday and selecting ‘Delete’.

Will adding UK holidays to my calendar affect my existing appointments?

No, adding holidays won’t change any of your existing appointments. It will simply add new entries on the appropriate dates.

Can I add holidays for other countries as well?

Absolutely! The same process can be used to add holidays from any country listed in the Outlook options.

What if the UK holidays don’t show up after following these steps?

Ensure that you’ve selected the correct country and that your Outlook Calendar is up to date. If issues persist, Microsoft support can provide additional assistance.


  1. Open Outlook Calendar.
  2. Access Calendar options.
  3. Click on ‘Add Holidays’.
  4. Select ‘United Kingdom’.
  5. Confirm the addition of holidays.


Incorporating UK holidays into your Outlook Calendar is a breeze and can greatly improve your scheduling efficiency. Whether you’re a professional dealing with UK clients or just someone who loves to keep track of holidays, this integration is a helpful tool to stay on top of important dates. Remember to check for updates regularly, personalize your calendar as needed, and explore adding other countries’ holidays to meet your specific requirements. With these tips and a bit of initial setup, your Outlook Calendar will be a more powerful asset in your daily planning. Now, go ahead and give it a try – you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

About the author

Matt Williams has been in the IT field for almost two decades, and has held a number of roles. Now he spends most of his time building websites and writing content.